Why Dragonflies?

Why the dragonfly jewelry? Well, for me it’s about the symbolism connected to this beautiful insect. Many believe that the dragonfly has the power to travel between realms, and is a connection between the living and those who have passed – it is one of the reasons that the dragonfly is connected to hospice.

Many years ago we got a call that my father had collapsed at work, and that it would be best to get to the hospital as soon as we could. Oddly enough, earlier that day I had a discussion with my mother, to let her know I had decided to try to reconnect with him, as we had been estranged for several years. Since I was 6 months pregnant at that point, I felt it was time to try and forge a new relationship if possible, and see if we could mend fences and find a way to forgive one another. We got to the hospital expecting to see him, and instead were taken into a small room and told that in spite of their best efforts, he did not survive his massive heart attack.

It was late in February, and as I stepped out of the hospital to gather myself and try to process what had just happened I sat down on a rock to think.  As I sat there on that rock trying to process what had happened, and the bizarre timing of it, I started to notice a large number of dragonflies hovering near me. While it was pretty warm that winter, it still struck me as odd to see them. It wasn’t until later in life that I first found out about the idea that in many cultures dragonflies are thought to be the spirit of a loved one who has passed, who has come back to see you. To this day I often find myself surrounded by dragonflies at odd times, and each time I see one I feel a sense of peace, and wonder if my father somehow knew that I was ready to forgive and, if not forget, at least try and move past the anger and hurt.

Dragonflies also represent luck, spirit and light, transformation and change, metamorphosis, power…the list goes on and on. All that, and gorgeous to boot!

Each time I sit down to make a new dragonfly, the only thing I know is that I’m going to make one. I simply start hammering away at the silver and wait to see what appears as I form all the different components. I strive to make each dragonfly with its own personality, so that the lucky wearer knows that they have a piece that no one else has. My goal with each dragonfly pendant is to create a beautiful, absolutely unique piece. Some are quite large, some are absolutely tiny and seem to float on their chains, and each one is one of a kind. I have been asked whether I ever get tired of making them, and the answer is a resounding “no!” Each one presents its own challenge due to the many components – wings, body, head, feet…do I add a stone or don’t I? Will it be upright or swooping down? Will I add a patina or leave it highly polished? The possibilities are endless, and as long as I can keep making jewelry, there will always be room on my bench for dragonflies.